Oglethorpe County Chicken Houses Update


Chicken Farm Site Plan.001

There could soon be 12 new chicken houses on Devils Pond/Harris Road in Oglethorpe County. The above map shows exactly where they will be located.

In a 2-1 vote, the Zoning Board recommended approval to rezone this parcel of land from general agriculture (A2) to intensive agriculture (A1). It is now up to the Board of Commissioners to make the final decision on it. They will hear the rezone proposal at their next meeting on Monday October 5th at 6 PM. If they approve the rezone, Rob McBay can begin construction on his chicken houses.

This rezone proposal has caused a lot of conflict because this chicken farm would be in a residential area of the county. Some residents think the houses will cause problems with smells, water contamination, and air pollution. Other residents think that chicken farms are just part of living in a rural, agricultural county, and they support the rezone.


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  • Ernest

    Thanks for the article, however, the overlay shows a previous rezone request, not the one on Devils pond rd.

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