Morning Webcast 10/21/13

Grab your Nerf Gun, it’s that time of year again. It’s time for Humans vs. Zombies. Now this campus wide apocalyptic war can be signed up for online if you visit their Facebook page. And this year there is actually a new feature it’s not just the humans and the zombies, but they threw some mad scientists into the mix. So if you see a mad scientist, you actually get a prize. So, Happy Playing!

One participant was tagged only ten minutes into the game!  Even when approached by a human, it is not dangerous territory.  Indoors is “safe zone,” but the game is on when you walk outside.

The Chief Officer of Human v. Zombies, Joe Fernandez, explains his favorite part of the game is the friends that you meet.  He is well armed with an arsenal of nerf weapons.

Want to get involved?  Check out their page


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