Photo: Nathaniel McDaniel

Watkinsville, GA- A candidate forum is scheduled for Oconee County Post 2 that will highlight three items on the county’s ballot for the November 8 election.

Former Post 2 Commissioner John Daniell resigned from his position in May in order to run for the Chairman’s seat after current Chairman Melvin Davis announced his retirement. Three candidates have emerged for the vacant seat and will field questions at the forum: Chuck Horton, Ben Bridges, and Marcus Wiedower.

Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Jason Branch will also speak about the proposed S.P.L.O.S.T. tax which he projects will bring in $45 million over 5 years. Branch cannot advocate for the tax, but can speak on the purpose of the tax request.

Residents will also be able to voice their opinions on two referenda that will allow alcohol sales on Sunday — the first in grocery stores and the second in convenience stores and restaurants.

The forum begins at 7 p.m. on September 15 at the Community Center in Veterans Park.

Newsource will be at the meeting and have updates as as information becomes available.

By: Nathaniel McDaniel


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