ATHENS, GA – Tonight students in Athens are holding a vigil for the Muslim students shot near the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UGA student Rim Momin acknowledges the fear of her friends.
“I know a lot of girls that do wear the iongreugbnvef are scared to just go out and wear the tiugnergh and everything,” Momin says.
She says she isn’t scared, however.
”We’re not going to let someone that doesn’t accept out religion stop us from doing what we’re going to do.”
Other students feel the same way and are still coming to the prayer room in Tate to perform their daily prayers. International Student Life director Justin Jeffreys says violence like this does not affect Middle Eastern student’s decision to come to UGA.
Jeffreys says, “When students make the decision to study in the US they have felt strongly about that for a while and have the resources to do so.”
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Candlellight Vigil Honors Slain Students at University of North Carolina
by Grady Newsource, Grady Newsource February 12, 2015