
This journalism has been created by students in the Multiplatform Newsroom: Newsource and Multiplatform Newsroom: Project capstone courses at the Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication.

Decrease in Sanford Stadium Fan Ejections

Reporter Sarah Edwards tells us why the number of fans being ejected from the ...

Mayor Proclaims “No Text on Board-Pledge Day”

Athen’s Mayor Nancy Denson signs a proclamation making today “No Text on Board-Pledge Day.” ...

Missing UGA Grad Found Alive

Ivy  Merck found in Miami after month-long search

Live: 9/11 Memorial Ceremonies

Live video from national ceremonies including the reading of the names at Ground Zero

Missing Woman’s Parents Speak Out

Parents of Ivy Dawn Merck, missing since Aug., to appear on HLN

Statement by Student Reporter Involved in Altercation with Publisher

Editor’s Note:  Following is a statement that GradyNewsource reporter Joshua Buce made, regarding his ...

Carmike Cinema Searched after Nationwide Threat

Athens-Clarke police search theater. No suspicious items found.

Red And Dead Website Catalogs Staff Walk Out

For those of you wanting to learn first-hand about the controversy in which students ...

Breaking News: Red and Black Tweets Staff Walk Out

Student newspaper top editors, staff leave newspaper