Clarkesville Library Makes Edible Books

One library lets you devour a book…literally!

The Clarkesville library is letting you make an edible book with just a chocolate bar and a fruit roll-up.

It’s part of Teen-Read Week.

The goal is to expand young readers’ appetites and get kids reading outside the classroom.

“They get a lot of reading in school, but they may not like what they have to read or study in school. So you get in [the library] and you can get into your own interests. You can find something that…you relate to, and then that just…broadens [the kids’] horizons,” said Jessica Neeley, Circulation Director at the Clarkesville Library.

You can come by and make your own edible book now through Wednesday.

There’s a cover art contest at 4:30 Wednesday afternoon.

The grand prize winner gets gift certifcates to the Copper Pot restaurant and Java Joe’s coffee shop

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