Coach Lange to Lead Women’s Basketball

Head coach Joni Taylor gave birth to Jacie Elise Taylor on November 3 this year. A week after becoming a mother Taylor will not be coaching her team in the first game of the season. Interim coach Karen Lange will coach the team Friday night against South Carolina State. Coach Lange says Coach Taylor has given her the reigns to the team these past few weeks so the team is prepared.

“She was present. But allowed me to coach it to just kinda be prepared for myself, our players to get used to hearing my voice,” Lange said.

Haley Clark is a junior this year and remembers learning from former point guard Marjorie Butler. But this year she says it’s totally different.

“I am the one kinda running the show so it is definitely a big change for me.”

The UGA Women’s Basketball team will play South Carolina State at 7pm Friday night at the Stegeman Coliseum.




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