ATHENS, GA – Some locals can hardly wait for the Fifty Shades of Grey premiere tonight. Other Athens residents are downright offended. Reporter Adeline Kenerly found out why the R-rated film based on the best-selling erotic novel isn’t everyone’s idea of a Valentines Day chick flick.

Adeline: To see? or NOT to see? This is the question I put out on social media today. I asked my Facebook friends to give their opinions about this sexually charged and controversial movie. I got some mixed responses. Check it out on my Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter account.
Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t everyone’s idea of a Valentines Day chick flick. The popcorn is heating up now in local Athens movie theatres and so is the controversy.
The Fifty Shades Movie Trailer:
UGA Student Jade Williford will celebrate Valentine’s Day far away from the silver screen and this controversial, sexually-charged movie. Williford said, “l think it is desensitizing my generation into thinking that women want to be violated in the bedroom and want to be dominated. This is something our generation will have to deal with especially because of the media and this movie.”
The manager of the University Cinemas on Epps Bridge Road says he’s almost sold out for tonight’s five showings. It seems local movie goers are ready to pay up to catch a glimpse of the dreamy, rich, and mysteriously seductive Christian Grey.
The movie is adapted from the 1st of 3 best-selling novels written by E. L. James. Many readers seem to be hooked, but not all women are lining up for a ticket.
Local Women’s Minister Lisa Mason says, “Women are going coo coo over this. Marriages are being destroyed by pornography.”
Classic City Church’s Mason says the new movie is neither “Christian” (the name of the main character) nor “Grey.” “But indeed the issue is black or white,” says Mason.
Whether you buy a ticket, join the boycott, or still find yourself in the “Grey” about whether to go or not, one thing’s for sure. Fifty Shades of Grey is taking the box office by storm as we head into Valentine’s weekend.