Georgia Child Safety Seat Guidelines

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By: Chelsea Beimfohr

The Ila Fire Department in Madison County is checking to see if your kids carseats are safe! “Child Safety Seat Check Day” is set for Saturday, October 24, from 9:30 t0 11:30 a.m.. Here’s what you need to know about Georgia’s child passenger safety laws:

– All children under the age of eight are required to be properly restrained in an approppriate child passenger safety seat or booster seat.

-All drivers on Georgia roads must comply with this rule except taxis and public transit.

-In a vehicle not equipped with both lap and shoulder belts, a lap belt can be used to restrain children weighing at least 40 pounds.

-A child can be exempt from a car seat if his or her parent can show that the child’s height is over 4’9.” The child still must be restrained by a safety belt.

At the seat check on Saturday, parents will also be taught how to identify when new seats are needed and how to install seats properly. Seats will be replaced on a first come, first served basis, at no cost to parents as long as supplies last. If you can’t afford a car seat, check out this list of places the Georgia Office of Highway Safety says you can get one for free.

For more safety tips on choosing and using a child safety seat, click here.




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