Georgia’s First Lady Reads to Pre-K and Kindergarteners

Athens- Georgia’s First Lady, Sandra Deal, is doing a reading session for pre-k and kindergarten students at Chase Street Elementary today.


See what she has to say tonight at 5.


UPDATE- 5:10 p.m.

Georgia’s First Lady Sandra Deal read to pre-k and kindergarten students today at Chase Street Elementary School. Principal Adam Kurtz wanted his students to promote reading during March, which is National Reading Month. The First Lady read to the kids today as a part of Georgia’s effort to participate in Read Across America, an initiative that promotes reading for youth. The book the First Lady read was T.J.’s Discovery. It was a project she helped developed. The book was about camping and contained themes and elements that students could apply to their own lives. Deal brought her own special guest with her to talk to the students about camping, park safety, and how to be active outside. One of the driving forces Deal wanted to get across was to students was that they can read in various ways whether it is with their parents, teachers, or just making connections through looking at pictures. Another lesson the book focused on was teaching kids how to be brave and communicate with others.


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