Athens, GA-
Gun bills are starting to move forward in the Ga Legislature. On Monday Senate Bill 101 was passed, which allows the names and details of gun owners to be kept secret. Now House Bill 512, that would allow guns on campus is being considered.

Republican lawmakers are trying to allow Georgians, with a gun license, to expand where they can carry their guns. To be more specific they want them to be able to have guns in bars, churches, and parts of college campuses. UGA police Chief Jimmy Williamson opposes any changes.
Williamson says, “The stance of the University system is that we like where the current gun laws are, we would hope that they stay in their current form and not see any broadening of where weapons can be carried on campus.”

This House proposal is sponsored by Republican Rick Jasperse. He says that Georgians who have gone through the process to get a weapons permit should not face so many restrictions on where they may carry a gun.
“It’s expanded it from just being in the car to now being outside the car in parking lots and buildings like this, the only exclusions would be fraternity and sorority houses, athletic events and residence halls,” says Chief Williamson.

If House Bill 512 is passed it will be known as the “safe carry protection act” This legislation will fail unless it gets approved by at lease 1 chamber by this Thursday, March 7th.
Chief Williamson adds, “Science proves that emotionally and from a developmental stand point there is still growing of the brain and decision making. If You take into a fact that some of our students party with alcohol and maybe other substances-when you combine all that with readily available firearms, there is the possibility of there, you know, being some issues.”

Chancellor Huckaby also stated that campus counselors would agree that allowing potentially volitile young adults with loaded weapons could lead to a tradgedy of our own making.
*Featured Image of Chancellor Hank Huckaby
Martha Kim

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