football fans, football cheerleaders during the BulldogsÕ game against Mississippi State at Sanford Stadium in Athens, Ga., on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2017. (Photo by Perry McIntyre Jr.)

Friday, October 13, 2017

9:00 AM Parker Memorial Golf Tournament

The Warnell School of Forestry will host a game of golf with alumni and students at the UGA golf course.

5:30 PM Warnell School of Forestry Alumni Dinner and Business Meeting

A dinner will be held at Flinchum’s Phoenix to learn about what the Warnell School of Forestry has accomplished in the past year.

6:00-7:00 PM – Homecoming Parade

The UGA Homecoming Parade will be held in downtown Athens.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

4:30 – 3 hours before kick-off

UGA Black Alumni Homecoming Tailgate

Tickets for the homecoming game have been secured and will be sold for $55 at Myers Quad and can be picked up at the tailgate. The tailgate will begin at 4:30 at Myers Quad. Food, giveaways, music and more. Contact the Black Alumni Leadership Council for more information.

College of Veterinary Medicine Dean’s Tailgate

Tailgate for all CVM alumni, students, faculty and staff at the College of Veterinary Medicine.

College of Family and Consumer Sciences Homecoming Tailgate 

The FACS homecoming tailgate will kick-off their 100 day countdown to their centennial year. Alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends are welcomed. There will be a photo booth, games and a spirit squad. Tailgate meals will be available for $25.

College of Pharmacy Tailgate and Class Reunion

There will be awards, live music and games for the class reunions of 2012, 2007, 1997 and 1992.

Terry College of Business: A Toast to Terry

The Terry College of Business will host a homecoming tailgate at the Business Learning Community.

Warnell School of Forestry Tailgate

Alumni, students, faculty and staff can come cheer on the Dawgs together.

5:00 PM – College of Environment and Design Tailgate

A tailgate will be hosted at Founder’s Memorial Garden for alumni, students, faculty, friends and staff.

5:30 Grady College of Journalism Tailgate

Alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends are invited for a festive tailgate before the game.

6:00 Department of Poultry Science Tailgate

Alumni, faculty and students are invited for food, fun and fellowship at the Poultry Research Farm on South Milledge Avenue.

Halftime – Royalty Crowning

Homecoming King and Queen will be announced at halftime of the UGA vs. Mizzou Game. There are 10 individuals on the homecoming court. Voting for Kind and Queen is open through Friday. UGA students can vote at

7:00-11:00 PM – Homecoming Carnival

The University Union is hosting the 2017 Homecoming Carnival at Legion Field. There will be rides, activities, hamburgers and hotdogs, and carnival food favorites. The event is free for any student activity fee paying student and must show UGACard for entry. Non-students must pay $5. The event will last until 11:00 PM.





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