Views: 559 Justin Strength, campaign manager for State House candidate, Marcus Wiedower, walks alongside Wiedower while campaigning in Watkinsville, Georgia on Friday, November 2, 2018. Strength works for War Room Strategies, the company running Weidower’s campaign, as the social media director and became campaign manager for Wiedower through that job. (Emily Graven, Strength stares at his phone while directing his way through a neighborhood to campaign for Marcus Wiedower on Friday, November 2, 2018, in Watkinsville, Georgia. Strength is a graduate of the University of Georgia and works for War Room Strategies as the social media director as well as campaign manager for Wiedower. (Emily Graven, Strength knocks on doors Friday, November 2, 2018, to campaign for Marcus Wiedower who is running for State House. Strength canvases with Wiedower at least two to three times a week before the upcoming midterm elections. (Emily Graven, Strength, campaign manager for Marcus Wiedower, leaves a flyer at a door on Friday, November 2, 2018, in Watkinsville, Georgia. Strength is organizing the GOTV initiative as Wiedower is running against Jonathan Wallace in the District 119 State House race. (Emily Graven, Strength looks to see where the next house is while walking alongside Marcus Wiedower on Friday, November 2, 2018 in Watkinsville, Georgia. Wiedower is the Republican candidate running for State House in Georgia House district 119. (Emily Graven, Strength opens his app to know which house to approach next on Friday, November 2, 2018, in Watkinsville, Georgia. This is Strength’s first campaign as a campaign manager but still holds the social media director position with War Room Strategies. (Emily Graven, Strength gives directions to team members as they get ready to canvas another street on Friday, November 2, 2018. Strength is looking forward to election night and firmly believes that Wiedower will beat opponent Wallace on election night. (Emily Graven, Emily Graven is a senior majoring in Journalism at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia.