Meals on Wheels Helps Underprivileged Seniors

Georgia is number 6 in the nation for senior citizens that are going hungry. Meals on wheels provides 300 hot and cold meals a day for those in Athens who are at risk for food insecurity. AARP has an event On Saturday in support of the Athens community council on aging (ACCA).

People can receive meals on wheels for various reasons, from physically not being able to prepare a meal or having a chronic illness like diabetes or chronic heart failure.

AARP has been hosting the FREE shredding, electronic recycling, and CarFit event for many years to address the financial security issue for people in different communities.

Karen Cooper says, “When people come through they will donate 3 or 4 non-perishable items that can even be paper towels or something like that and will go direclty to the meals on wheels program.”

Shredder and electronic recycling trucks will be there to dispose of important documents and unwanted items in bulk.

Heather Sweaney says, “They’re going to be shredding documents which is really important, especially for my clients that have years and years of medicad numbers laying around, medicare numbers tax info that is just sitting around waiting to trip over or be found by somebody.”

Most people think the ACCA only provides for older people or those who do not have enough money to support themselves but that is not the case.

Sweaney says, “We actually serve rich people, poor people, and young people who are paralyzed. People that are at the end of their lives in hospice or approaching the end of their lives so we actually serve all kinds of people.”

Beyond meals on wheels the ACCA provides fresh produce and canned goods which more will be provided from the AARP event this Saturday.

The event will be on Saturday at the Athen community council on aging from 10 am to 2pm.
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