Stories to Watch: Oct. 6

Grady Newsource covers stories in Northeast Georgia. We will continue with updates throughout the day as our reporters cover the latest news. To stay updated, check out our Twitter and Facebook pages.

– Would you be willing to pay for sidewalk in front of your home out of your own pocket? The Athens-Clarke County Board of Commissioners will discuss this at their monthly session tonight. On the agenda is the Voluntary Sidewalk Assessment District proposal, which would allow homeowners to collectively raise the money to fund their own sidewalks, rather than waiting on the list for existing sidewalk projects.

– Lay Park is holding a Tech Tuesday session from 9-11 a.m. The classes help teach senior citizens how to effectively use technology. Reporter Mary Grace Shaw will show us what exactly they’re learning.

– Janet Mock is speaking at the Tate Center tonight. We’re talking to the UGA Student Union to find out what people can expect to hear. Following her talk, Mock will also hold a book signing.
Janet Mock


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