Two Different Laws Appear to have the Same Purpose


Leah Goldman

Eating, puting on makeup, using your GPS, talking to friends. These everyday actions seem harmless until you get behind the wheel. Driving while doing any of those things could give you a ticket for distracted driving. Another everyday activity? Texting and using your mobile phone. Using your wireless device falls under a completely different traffic law. However, according to Chief Williamson of the UGA Police department, the consequences are the same as distracted driving.

“There are a number of violations that carry points. The more severe the violations the more points. Points add up. If you get numerous violations, then it will end up in a suspension of your driving privileges in the state. But I would tell you to look at it like getting a speeding ticket.” Chief Williamson says.

Do the activities effect your insurance differently? Insurance companies say, no.

Insurance agent Phil Boswell says, “There is no difference in the insurance charge as far as distracted driving and texting and driving. The big difference in insurance charge comes with the more major violations like excessive speeding over twenty miles an hour, DUI carries a difference insurance charge, an accident has a different insurance charge.”

Chief Williamson stressed how law enforcement does not seek out drivers breaking the law. Proving their case in court is based on obsevations unless there’s an accident.

“So the officers use a lot of discretion. They see people speeding that they don’t pull over. I mean they really try to look at the infractions as are they creating a danger,” Chief Williamson says.

Chief Williamson wants drivers to stay safe even if you aren’t pulled over.

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