UGA Students Sell Hugs to Fund Mission Trip


A hug can go a long way, and two students at the University of Georgia have proven that a simple hug in exchange for a dollar can turn into something much greater.

Hannah Adams, a UGA senior, carried a sign from class to class today. The sign promoted the sale of a hug for just one dollar. The reason: Adams is going on a mission trip to India this summer to work in an orphanage and is raising money to fund the    two-month long trip.

Hannah is not the only student offering dollar to fund the mission trip to India. In fact, her friend who gave her the idea is doing the same thing.

UGA freshman Mary Grace Sexton is also going to India this summer. She has been selling hugs for a dollar since December 2012, and has raised much more money than she ever expected.

Sexton and Adams’ one-dollar hugs have made a much greater impact than either could have imagined. Sexton says that when she attended the Passion Conference, a Christian organization’s event held in Atlanta this year, her sign selling hugs was very well received. A group from Texas that attended the event brought the idea back home and have also raised more money selling their hugs.

Sexton says she is excited to spend time with the kids at the orphanage in India, and says  that every hug she receives here in the US is going be given back to the children there.


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