Athens, GA–Athens-Clarke County Police are hosting an assembly at a local middle school today. They are talking to students about gun violence, and the students are taking a pledge against it.

Athens, GA–Michelle Nunn is in Athens today to encourage voters to take advantage of early voting.

Athens, Ga–Bigger vision homeless shelter is open and ready to operate in Winter. The shelter hosts individuals for a single night and provides them with dinner and a self-serve breakfast.

Jefferson, GA–A gift from the county to the schools. Commerce City Council voted unanimously on Monday to give an unused library to the school system for free. The library was already paid for with tax-payer dollars, and was originally going to be sold to the school system for $400,000. Reporter Brittney Laryea is out on the field today to find out what the school system plans to do with the library and when these changes will be taken into effect.

Athens, GA–No announcement has been made about who will be replacing Athens Chief of Police Joseph H. Lumpkin. He has already accepted a new position in Savannah, Georgia for November 9, less than four weeks away.


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