Marking 9/11: 15 Years Later

A trip to New York right after the attacks led Bob Hart to create the 9/11 Memorial Trail. September 11, 2011 is a day remembered forever. Fifteen years have gone by and it still has a significant impact on the Athens community.

This trail offers many artistic figures from local Athens artists. There are 99 poles located around the site to name those lives that were lost. He has so many memories of that trip but the thing he remembers most is the atmosphere.

“There is a way you can look up anybody’s name that you may know. It’s on the marker. ”

There are different sections to the trail that offer places to remember the Pentagon, The most interesting thing the trail brings is that for a different visitor at a different time, he says there is always a different reaction.

“What I find most interesting about the memorial is that when you go out there in the different seasons it’s a totally different feel. When you go out there now, it’s getting towards the end of summer, it has a pretty look to it. You don’t get the starkness of the trail that you get in the winter. ”

Hart Plans to host a ceremony for the 15th Anniversary Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 4:00 pm.



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