Stories to Watch: Nov. 3

  • Voters head to the polls in Clarke, Oglethorpe, and Jackson counties. Reporter Shannon Basford will tell you how many registered voters are casting a ballot today.
  • East Athens residents want more “character” to their neighborhood. The ACC Federation of Neighborhoods is discussing how to make the area of Lexington Road home to more than just government buildings. Reporter Rayleigh Rozier talks to a resident who is organizing an Eastside Expo to showcase businesses.
  • We have a cloudy week ahead of us. Reporter Erin O’Brien will have your Northeast Georgia weather forecast at 5 p.m.
  • University of Georgia head football coach Mark Richt will speak about how the team is preparing for the Kentucky game at the football press conference. Follow us on Twitter @GradyNewsource for live updates on quotes from Coach Richt and players.
