Marco Rubio Makes Last Stop in Georgia Before Super Tuesday


BUCKHEAD — Despite a hoarse voice, Marco Rubio is making sure voters know he’s still a strong horse in the 2016 presidential race.

“I will continue to speak out until I literally have no voice anymore,” Rubio said to a crowd of nearly 2,000 people at the Intercontinental Hotel in Atlanta Monday afternoon.

He implored voters to make a conscious decision at the voting booths or risk facing a Democratic president.

“A vote for Donald Trump tomorrow is a vote for Hillary Clinton today,” he said.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who introduced a raspy Rubio, echoed the criticism of Trump.

“Donald Trump is everything I taught my children not to do in kindergarten,” she said.

Diane Kramer says though she’s already voted for Rubio, she’s worried about his chances of winning.

“Donald Trump is preying on our fears, and I think a lot of people right now have a lot of fears,” said the Louisiana native who attended the rally with her daughter. “I don’t think Donald Trump is the one to address those fears.”

Sarah Hankes said it will depend on who shows up to vote tomorrow.

“I’m confident he can win the state of Georgia if we have enough thoughtful and discerning voters,” she said.

By Michelle Baruchman @mlbaruchman



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