Oconee County Fire Rescue Asks for Volunteers to Join Their Program

Oconee County Fire Rescue, located in Watkinsville, Georgia, is currently accepting volunteers in its firefighter and medical responder program.

 Why It’s Newsworthy: Oconee County Fire Rescue is always accepting new volunteers in their firefighter and medical responder programs. According to the International Fire Chiefs Association, volunteer firefighter programs save communities around $37 billion a year, which is money that can be reinvested in the community’s local infrastructure, social programs and efforts to minimize the tax burden. 

To become a volunteer firefighter or medical responder in Oconee County, you must be a resident of Watkinsville, Bishop or North High Shoals. You must also pass a criminal background check, driving history check and a drug test.

If you are interested in applying to the Oconee County Fire Rescue volunteer program, use this application link and email your application to Karla Hulsey at khulsey@oconee.ga.us or Branden Newton at bnewton@oconee.ga.us.

Grady Newsource reporter Sydnei Bailey shows you in the video below a little more about what the volunteer program entails.

Sydnei Bailey is a fourth-year majoring in journalism in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication and political science in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia.



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