Huge Turnout for Active Shooter Training


This afternoon the ACCPD hosted its 6th session on how to prepare for an active shooter. The session had a huge turnout, posting its largest attendance to date. Approximately 95 people were in attendance including residents, officials, etc. Extra chairs were brought in because of the amount of people who showed up.

Captain Nicolas, the police official leading the event, provides participants with information on how to prepare and respond to being trapped inside during a case of an active shooter. He also explains what to expect when the police arrives.

The FBI released a study in 2014 that found 160 active shooter incidents from 2000 – 2013.

“It’s incidents like this [Sandy Hook] why we unfortunately have to hold these events,” Captain Nicolas said.

When referring to the active shooters, Captain Nicolas informs the attendees that these people are monsters.

“We urge the media not to name these monsters, so they don’t gain the notoriety they seek”, Captain Nicolas said.

Preparation is key and Captain Nicolas believes you must remember 3 steps:

“AVOID starts with your state of mind. DENY when getting away is difficult or maybe even impossible. DEFEND because you have the right to protect yourself.”