Adela Alejo is just 12 years old but is one of the most experienced athletes on her adapted sports team, the Classic City Dawgs. 

Alejo, born with spina bifida, has found community and an outlet for her love for sports since joining the team last season. The Classic City Dawgs formed in 2023 and are open to athletes from first through 12th grade. They play throughout the year but in a different sport each season. 

Earlier this month, they closed out their first wheelchair handball season with home games at Clarke Central High School in Athens.

Across the state, there are 10 adapted sports teams competing. 

Alejo played wheelchair basketball last season, and she participated in track and field events last summer. This season, she was nominated for the 2024-25 AdaptED (AAASP) ASPIRE athlete of the year. This award is a state honor, with Alejo being one of 11 nominees from Georgia. 

This is her first time playing wheelchair handball. 

“It’s really fun. I like it. And it’s also very challenging too, but I like challenges,” said Alejo. 

Samantha Lichter is a student in the University of Georgia’s undergraduate Sports Media Certificate program. 



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