Athens-Clarke Mayor Comments on Possible Immigration Crackdowns

Mayor Kelly Girtz said Athens-Clarke County is not a sanctuary city.

“There isn’t even a formal definition of that term,” Girtz said on Monday. “Under Georgia law, cities and counties cannot legally function as sanctuary cities.”

President Donald Trump’s administration has escalated its challenge against “sanctuary city” laws by threatening to prosecute state and local officials who resist federal immigration crackdowns, according to Just

Recent immigration sweeps have resulted in 1,000 arrests nationwide, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. These actions also come after the murder of University of Georgia student Laken Riley.

Girtz said he does not anticipate an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid in Athens-Clarke County but is prepared to address the situation if it arises.

“I have no idea what that would look like,” Girtz added.

De’Ondre Harris is a senior majoring in journalism at the University of Georgia. 



  • Show Comments (2)

  • Lisa

    Mayor Girtz, “I have no idea what that would look like”
    He Needs to get familiar with What an Ice Raid looks like!
    He needs to make it clear to America and the illegals fleeing from Ice that Athens is Not a Safe Haven.
    Did he learn Nothing from the Murder of Laken Riley!!

  • Trump

    Get the illegals out. Vote girtz out too. He has ruined Athens with his illegal alien protection, homeless and gang enabling, and even his own brushes with the law like getting into a fender bender after leaving a liquor store and not even realizing he hit another car but when officers went to his home they didn’t even look into possible DUI because he used his influence over them. If anyone else were in that situation they would not be treated the same. It is also known that his other council members have gotten DUIs. I just wonder if mayor girtz drinks and drives or if he has a problem with alcohol. He needs help if he is struggling

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