The Lead: Alyssa Pointer on People-Focused Photojournalism

Longform documentary storytelling is Alyssa Pointer’s specialty. She’s an independent photojournalist who wants her work, in her words, to make people give a damn about their neighbors. Alyssa has worked at multiple newspapers, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and now freelances while based in Atlanta. She joins The Lead to talk about her projects, her detainment while covering protests against police brutality in 2020 and telling the stories of the incredibly diverse South.

The project she mentions that is centered around an uncle and his two nephews using boxing to break generational cycles is called “Tough Love” and can be found here.

Guest: Alyssa Pointer, freelance photojournalist.

Jacqueline GaNun is a senior majoring in journalism at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She is also majoring in international affairs in the School of Public and International Affairs and minoring in French.


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