Athens Bars Consider Closing Up Shop

Snow day, round two. Students and parents are staying home and businesses have closed their doors. Except the bars.

Almost all of the bars in downtown Athens are still open. Even as weather conditions get worse, many opened hours ahead of schedule.  As we approach the third night of the “snowpocalypse,” many don’t believe this is safe: not just for the customers but also for the employees. Some Athens-Clarke County Police Officers say that alcohol and severe weather don’t mix well regardless of your mode of transportation.

Despite the warnings, Pauley’s Original Crepe Bar is one of the open establishments today. Manager Jason Stu says he didn’t see a reason to close. His employees all had a safe way to make it into work, and since they also sell lunch food the bar would have been open early anyways.

On the other hand, some bars are considering closing their doors tonight. James Holland, a bartender at 100 Proof on Broad Street, was scheduled to work today. Now, he may not clock in. Holland says the weather conditions may prevent those outside of walking distance from making it downtown.

Regardless, Holland says he hopes people aren’t being encouraged to get in their cars and drive to the bars that do remain open.

Reporting for Grady Newsource in Athens, Cydney Adams and Savannah Levins.


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