By: Valerie Burgos

A proposal to add $722,985 to adjust salaries of school system faculty and staff will be decided by members of the Barrow County Board of Education in a meeting tonight at 6 p.m.  Superintendent Chris McMichael will present the plan to the board.

The proposal followed a six-month study that revealed inequities in pay between individuals in similar positions within the school system. Mark Still, chairman of the Barrow County Board of Education, said the board previously addressed inequities between certified staff members and approved $179,000 earlier this year. However, after the recent survey showed inequities were still present, a new plan was prepared that addresses the following:

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Michael Shelley, District 4 board member, said this proposal will only cover the remainder of the 2016 fiscal year. When the board approves next year’s budget  it will include these salary adjustments.




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