The Georgia State Patrol has told Grady NewSource reporters that it takes 3-5 days for a full report to be released, but the GSP has released the preliminary report for the Oconee Crash that took four UGA students’ lives on Wednesday night.

The driver of vehicle #1 was Agnes Kim, 21. The driver of vehicle #2, was Abby Short, 27.

The report says the action of the driver of vehicle #1 was “over-correcting/over-steering”.

It states that “Vehicle #1 was traveling north on Georgia 15. Vehicle #2 was traveling south on Georgia 15. For an unknown reason, driver #1 lost control of vehicle #1, began to rotate counter clock-wise and entered the southbound lane. Once in the southbound lane, the passenger’s side of vehicle #1 struck the from vehicle #2. Area of impact was determined by debris and roadway evidence. Driver #2 stated that as she traveled, vehicle #1 slid sideways into her lane”.

According to the GSP report, Halle Scott, 19 was sitting in the front of the car as a passenger and had her airbag deployed. Brittany Feldman, 20, was sitting in the middle back row seat. Kayla Canedo, 20, was sitting in the right back row seat. Christina Semeria, 19, was sitting in the back left seat and was the only passenger to be ejected totally from the vehicle. Semeria was not wearing a seatbelt.

The report also reveals that Brittany Feldman, Kayla Canedo and Christina Semeria were all announced dead on scene. Halle Scott, Agnes Kim, and Abby Short were all transported to Athens Regional Medical Center.

Scott later passed away at the ARMC and Abby Short was released the next morning. Agnes Kim remains at ARMC in a coma.

You can see the full report here.




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