Buddy Christian Memorial

By: Julie Calhoun


People are coming together tomorrow to remember officer Buddy Christian.  The memorial is the first official event for the Buddy Christian Foundation which raises money for causes important to Christian’s friends and family.

Two years ago tomorrow marks the day that officer Buddy Christian was killed by Jamie Hood. His death will be remembered in a luminary memorial service tomorrow and also through the buddy christian foundation. Its goal is to prevent line of duty deaths and to help surviving family members of law enforcement officers killed in action.  Courtney Gale a board member of the Buddy Christian Foundation says, “Too many times officers are killed and these families are left with a void financially, emotionally, and so we want to bridge the gap.”  In honor of the 2nd year anniversary of Buddy Christian’s death a luminary memorial service will be held here at the Evergreen Memorial Park at 5:30.

Buddy Christian was known to be a very good service oriented officer. Friends and co-workers feel this is a fitting way to remember the officer.

Major Mike Hunsinger said, “It’s a good that we’re doing things in his memory.  Again being the service oriented officer that he was, that is something he would look to as far as us in remembering him and what he meant to this department and the life he lived.”  Courtney Gale also had this to say about the memorial, “It’s a form of healing and a positive outlook on an incredibly sad moment.”  The memorial is an informal ceremony for family, friends, or anyone in the community who wants to remember Buddy’s life.  For more information on the Buddy Christian Foundation go to buddychristianfoundation.org


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