Thieves have been stealing catalytic converters in Honda SUV's like this CR-V.
Thieves have been stealing catalytic converters in Honda SUV’s like this CR-V.

Athens, GA – The Athens-Clarke Police Department is investigating the theft of several catalytic converters from automobiles in the last two nights. Both the East and West police precincts have seen converter thefts in their patrol areas. Clarke County Police have seen several converter thefts in the last two nights… especially nearby popular college student apartment complexes.

Thieves are particularly targeting Honda SUV’s. Police are asking drivers of Honda CR-V’s and Honda Pilot’s to park their vehicles indoors if possible.

Police believe the thieves are probably recycling the stolen catalytic converters for money. The converters are made of precious metals including platinum that can be sold to junkyards for a big return

Lt. Hunsinger says that Athens-Clarke County police have suspects in the thefts, but he could not disclose them at this time.


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