Black text on a white background that reads "The Lead."

The Lead: Michelle McLoughlin on photography and storytelling

In this episode, independent photographer Michelle McLoughlin joins us to talk about shifts in ...

Black text on a white background that reads "The Lead."

The Lead: Will Carr on preparing for pressure

This week, Will joins us to share how he prepares for high-pressure situations. He ...

Black text on a white background that reads "The Lead."

The Lead: Ralitsa Vassileva On Communicating Well

UGA lecturer of journalism and former anchor with CNN International Ralitsa Vassileva joins us ...

Black text on a white background that reads "The Lead."

The Lead: Greg Bluestein (Part 2/2) On Impeachment And Insurrection

Blurb: In the second episode of our two-episode conversation, Greg Bluestein of the Atlanta ...

Black text on a white background that reads "The Lead."

The Lead: Greg Bluestein On Georgia’s Political Shift

This week, The Lead features Greg Bluestein, a political reporter and University of Georgia ...

Black text on a white background that reads "The Lead."

The Lead: Rana Cash on Leading the Savannah Morning News

This episode features Rana Cash, editor of the Savannah Morning News in Savannah, Georgia.