Cedar Shoals Parents Voice Concerns Over Campus Rape

Cedar Shoals parents and teachers will have the opportunity to speak tonight about the sexual assault that was reported 2 weeks ago. The Clarke County Board of Education will hold its monthy meeting tonight and the assault will be a major topic of discussion.

Cedar Shoals Parent Beth Campbell says that the school board made several communication mistakes. “I do think that there were some missteps in communication and protocol that should have been followed that weren’t. I believe that some responsibilities were not following through whether it was lack of knowledge or lack of follow up.”

“Most members of the community did not find out about it until it made the Banner Herald.”

The Clarke County School district says that there was information about the incident prior to official reports.

“While this matter is under police investigation,” says public relations director Anisa Jimenez, “We do know that preliminarily there was enough information where disciplinary action should have taken place against the students that would be aligned with our code of conduct which is a district policy.”

“That did not occur.”

The Clarke County Board of Education will hold the meeting tonight at 6 p.m. Stay on our site tonight for updates on the meeting.

By: Cameron Martinez


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