School funding and building will be boosted after all. The funding for both comes from a referendum passed by voters yesterday.

Athens-Clarke and Oconee Counties have passed the Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST) in the November 8 election.

In Athens-Clarke County, about 72% of voters voted YES, and 28% voted NO for the ESPLOST extension.

In Oconee County, about 70% voted YES, and 30% voted no.screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-12-39-44-pm

Oconee County Schools Superintendent Jason Branch hopes that the tax will go towards adding 20 classrooms to Oconee County High School and an additional elementary school to the district. These renovations will help with the issue of overcrowding that the system is experiencing.

The current ESPLOST will expire in December 2017, and renewal will be in effect from 2018 until 2022.

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By: Damisi Fawole
