Commerce Holds Meeting to Discuss New Dog Ordinances

The City of Commerce will be holding a Town Hall meeting tomorrow night to discuss an ordinance that may affect your pup. The ordinance is defining what makes a dog “vicious” or “dangerous.” People of Commerce find it hard to understand the definition of a “vicious” or “dangerous” dog from the either page document.

Police Chief Brandon Sellers will be at the meeting to answer questions from people who are confused.

“We don’t just blanketly say “all pit bulls and all rottweilers will be classified as vicious dogs”, we don’t do that so that has caused a little bit of confusion.”

With headlines like “2 year-old recovering from dog bite to face” in news, it’s no wonder parents and communities are taking to their city councils to voice their opinions. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, each year, more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs in the US. The majority of there victims are children. Children are more likely to be severely injured by these attacks.


The ordinance can be found online and on our website here. We will have updates after the meeting tomorrow night.


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