Watch out! Don’t Fall for this SCAM

Scammers are out and ready. The Sheriff’s Department says The “Secret Santa Shopper” scam is in full effect in Jackson County. Scammers make millions of dollars from innocent people and the holiday season is the easiest time for them to steal. Scams happen every single day. Another scam was reported just yesterday in Jackson County.

Sheriff Janis Mangum said that it’s unbelievable the number of scams they have and how many people fall for it. A new scam is reported everyday. She calls the scammers “nothing but thieves.”

There all types of scams that can attract people’s attention. The newest scam is the “Secret Santa Shopper Scam.” Scammers contact people and ask them to give them the code of their Green Dot Money Card. People give the scammers the code which allows them access to their money. UGA Chief of Police, Jimmy Williamson explains how to avoid emails or phone calls from people you don’t know.


“We urge everybody, unless you initated the telephone call or the email, that you verify who you’re interacting with. Call a company number. Make sure everything is legit. Make sure you have done buisness with these people before. Just verify some things before you start giving personal information or any account information,” Williamson says.

Jackson County Sheriff, Janis Magnum, says with the new scam she’s just discovered, scammers would inform people that they could send in 50 dollars and get a deed for their property. Magnum says that a citizen could go to a courthouse and simply get a copy of their property deed for only 50 cents. She said there are “so many scams out there that she can’t even count.”

“If they’re trying to get you to do somethign very quickly or they trying to imply that you’re going to make alot of money quickly then those should be the warning signs,” Magnum says.

Scammers will do anything to get a person’s account number or personal information. The way to catch the scam is how quick they want the money. Williamson says the UGA Police Department will always send out emails and post on their Facebook page any scams that they hear about so that the public can be informed.





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