Outside of Message, a clothing store in Copenhagen, where the mannequins exhibit Copenhagen street style. (Photo/ Mimi Klump)

Fashion In Copenhagen: A Little Bit of Everything

Trench coats, bright colors, jeans and corduroy galore.

That is what fashion is seen when walking down the streets in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

 Why It’s Newsworthy: Fashion in Copenhagen is iconic because it is not only fashionable but functional because of the active Danish lifestyle. The Danes exhibit street style that can be looked up to by those who want functional but fun styles to wear for all different types of tastes. 

“Everything,” said Julie Andersen, a stylist at PIECES, a clothing store in Copenhagen, “you can see all the classic styles; you can see the crazy styles.” 

With Copenhagen being a city full of bikes, it is easy to see all the colors, classics and adventurous styles that the Danes are wearing, since not as many people are hidden in their cars. 

Functionality but Be Yourself

The Danes are on the move constantly, and they need a reliable closet of clothing to help them maneuver around Copenhagen safely and effectively. 

When asked about the comparison to American fashion when traveling to Copenhagen, Ashley Hubbard, a tourist in Copenhagen from the United States, described the style of the Danes as “what I expected but in a different way.”

“I knew the general outfit like jeans and a top, but the style of it was different,” Hubbard said.

When traveling to Copenhagen, it is important to keep in mind that self-expression is important.

“You can be yourself; no one is looking bad at you because you’re wearing something,” Anderson said.

Outside of PIECES, the clothing store Anderson works for in Copenhagen, some of the styles are displayed. (Photo/Mimi Klump)

Dress for the Climate

Copenhagen has an unpredictable climate, so the clothes need to be appropriate for whatever weather is in store that day. 

The weather can vary from windy and rainy to sunny throughout the day. This leads to the need to have a jacket to keep warm, but also a style that works when the jacket comes off as the weather warms up.

“There was a lot of long coats down to their ankles and blazers,” Hubbard said.

Even with an unpredictable climate, there is still much fashion to be seen in Copenhagen. 

Sistie is a store in Copenhagen that is full of color. (Photo/Mimi Klump)

“A lot of colors these days,” said Anderson, when describing the fashion in the current summertime.

Through self-expression and functionality, the Danes know how to dress. They prove that functional and fashionable can go hand-in-hand.

Mimi Klump is a junior majoring in marketing at the University of Georgia.



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