Federal Program Offers Free Snacks for Some Students

One federal program is taking a different approach in fighting childhood obesity.

The fresh fruits and vegetable program offers students the chance to eat healthy snacks but only half the schools in Georgia that need the funding are getting it.

“It’s for every student in the school…” said cafeteria manager Dede Pittman

The program will be available to all Oglethorpe Elementary Students on Aug 26th.

Cafeteria Manager Dede Pittman hopes that students will chose fruits and vegetables before junk foods.

“I’m hoping we cut down a lot of obesity …it’s free its just gonna encourage mom”

Parents received information on Tuesday about the program and what their students should be expecting. Ms. Pittman wants the program to influence students and parents as well.

Almost a quarter of  public elementary schools in Georgia qualify for the grant, but half of them will have to do without.

The Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Grants Program Director Danna Ogletree told said “Georgia receives about $4 million for the program, but the state needs another $4 million  in order to accommodate all qualifying schools.”

To qualify half the students must be eligible for free or reduced lunch. This year, the state was only able to fund schools having 80% or more students eligible for free or reduced lunch.




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