Gameday Weekend Brings Cover Charges to Downtown Athens Bars

By: Danielle Herman

As the Bulldogs prepare for a rivalry against the Gamecocks, bar owners throughout the Classic City prepare to deal with the masses that will descend upon the downtown area Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Their answer? A five dollar cover. 

Several bar owners met this week to make the decision, citing a fire marshal’s warning against surpassing their buildings’ capacity. In order to make up for lost business due to that capacity requirement, many which are normally free to enter will be charging.

The charge has been implemented in the past, on weekends when UGA has played marquee opponents. But in a city where bar-hopping and cheap drinks is the norm, the change is sure to bring some backlash from customers.

Grady Newsource confirmed the bars listed below will charge a five dollar cover, beginning at 11 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday.

  • Cloud
  • Southern Standard
  • General Beauregard’s
  • Silver Dollar
  • Hedges on Broad
  • 100 Proof
  • Bourbon Street
  • Whiskey Bent
  • The Cabin Room

Bar owners said the change is temporary and entrance fees will go back to normal after the weekend. However, cover charges will be considered for future large football weekends such as UGA v. Alabama on October 3.
