Grady Newsource is here to explain some of the basics of owning and using a gun in Georgia.
Do I need a license to purchase a gun?
No, but Georgia law requires that gun dealers do not sell firearms to someone until the Georgia Bureau of Investigation conducts and approves a background check.
Do I need a license to carry a firearm?
You need a valid Weapons Carry License if you would like to carry a weapon anywhere that is not your private property. If you do not have a valid Weapons Carry License, you may only carry your gun on your property, such as your home, car, or place of business.
If I have a valid Weapons Carry License, can I use my gun whenever and wherever I want?
No, you still have some restrictions. You may not:
- Aim a gun at someone without legal justification. It does not matter whether or not the gun is loaded.
- Fire a gun within 50 yards of a public street or highway without legal justification.
- Fire a gun on private property, unless you have permission from the property owner.
- Fire a gun while you are intoxicated.
Can minors carry guns?
Minor may only carry guns if they:
- Are participating in hunter education or firearm safety courses.
- Are practicing target shooting at a range.
- Are participating in a competition or performance that requires guns.
- Have the permission of their parents and are on their parents’ property.
What is “concealed campus carry?”
Concealed campus carry allows a weapons carry license holder to carry a gun on a public university, college, or technical school campus, as long as it is in a bag or covered by a piece of clothing. This does not apply to certain campus areas such as dorms, faculty offices, or places used for sporting events.
Can I carry a gun on other school campuses?
No, you cannot carry a gun within a school safety zone, at a school function or building, or on a school bus. There are a few exceptions for people such as law enforcement officers, state and federal attorneys, and authorized teachers.