Homeless Population Battles the Cold

ATHENS- Homeless shelters in Athens have been open 24/7 during these freezing temperatures. While the two biggest shelters in Athens, Bigger Vision and Athens Area Homeless Shelter, are currently full; people still looking for help can visit the salvation army or the red cross.

Bigger Vision is normally only open from dinner time till around 7 am, but Ed Moore, executive director of Bigger Vision, says “[they] have been open all day and night since Tuesday afternoon.” Bigger Vision is run solely by volunteers and donations from people in the community. Moore says they have plenty of supplies because “[they] prepared for this cold weather and [they] have had people bring in tons of food the past couple of days.” Volunteers have still come in to help run the shelter despite the frozen roads and Moore says “some people in our community even walked over to volunteer.”

The shelters are always in need of donations. Shea Post, the executive director of Athens Area Homeless Shelter, says that a list of items they need can be found on their website: helpathenshomeless.org/wish-list/ .

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