The sound of drills, boarding up windows, and cleaning up is what happens after a fire. The one that broke out yesterday at this house not only affected the people who lived there but also the neighbors.

Joe Geoghegan lives right down the street from the house and he says that he had to take a different route yesterday to get home. “I had to turn left at the roundabout. Being nosey, I just looked over and I could see some flames around the roof of the building. There was a lot of smoke going up and a smell of burning wood.”

 Every morning Joe takes a walk with his wife around the area. He says he loves living in this historic district and the beauty it has to offer. “It’s lovely to come pass and look at everybody’s different porches and plants and paint jobs…but not so nice to see them on fire.”

 Although the fire was under control within 10 minutes, damage was still done. One of the tenants’ pets did not make it out.

 Joe says, “I’m so, so sorry to hear about the cat. We’re cat lovers, we have three cats at home. I just hope that they’re all okay. I hope it all works out and they get back on their feet as soon as possible.”

 The investigation of the cause of the house fire is still underway.

Writer: Samantha German

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  • Anne

    Bless his cotton socks— nice hair!

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