How to Combat the Enterovirus

Athens, GA — The Enterovirus is the latest illness going around the nation’s general population, especially kids.

Teacher Siobian Minish takes care of toddlers at the McPhaul Center and has her own special way of preventing the spread of illness.

“One of the safety precautions they take [at the Center], if someone has something in their mouth that they shouldn’t, then they put it in a Yuck Bucket,” says Minish.

The “Yuck Bucket” depository is full by the end of the day.  It’s then cleaned with the rest of the room with cleaning products and bleach.

Minish’s methods are similar to advice given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to families for protecting against Enterovius D68 which includes washing hands and not touching your face.

The CDC announced Tuesday a new lab test that will detect Entervirus D68 faster, from several weeks to just a few days.


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