Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Tackles School Zone Speeding

Speeding in school zones is an increasing problem in Jackson County, but the Jackson County Sheriff’s office is hoping to make a change. 

Flashing blue police lights can be seen in most Jackson County school zones before and after school hours, and the sheriff’s office wants people to know that the lights are to ensure safety for both students as well as the officer patrolling the area, so travelers should slow down. 

Every morning before the sun is out, Deputy Shawn Blinn is one of those officers on patrols, but even with his blue lights, cars speed past him. 

“Sometimes I have to run and hit the ditch to get out of the way,” Blinn said. “They fly right by me. I’ve had dreams about being out here in traffic and almost getting run over… it’s scary stuff.” 

Jackson County’s new high school brought increased traffic to what used to be a rural road, and now, with new middle and elementary schools coming to the area, deputies are expecting even more traffic. 

Honestly, I don’t know what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna have to redesign something there, it’s gonna be triple the traffic of what it is now,” Blinn said. 

The sheriff’s office is discussing the possibility of installing cameras in school zones to combat the growing traffic problem, but for now, officers are asking people to pay more attention to the blue police lights in school zones. 

“Understand I’m out there, not to make you late for work, but to take chaos and make it manageable by getting everybody through there,” Scott Frazier, the Jackson County School Resource Officer, said.

Sydney Hood and Rachel Branning are journalism majors at the University of Georgia.



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