The Lead: Jacqueline Howard on Covering a Pandemic

Are you tired of talking about COVID-19?

I know I am. 

Yet in every conversation, it’s the one thing I can’t stop talking about, and for good reason. COVID-19 has changed almost every aspect of our lives, from how we can interact with our loved ones to the way we work and learn. 

The most recent episode of The Lead features a conversation with Jacqueline Howard, a reporter for CNN Health, in which she shares her experience reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic. She talks about the challenges of reporting on a virus that isn’t fully understood and the importance of communicating clearly about the limitations in data and research. 

But Jacqueline brings a tone of hope to our discussion. She reminds us to find the humanity in tragedy, the light in darkness. 

I may be tired of talking about COVID-19, but I would gladly have this conversation again. Give it a listen:

Caroline Odom is a junior majoring in journalism at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She is also majoring in risk management and insurance with a certificate in personal and organizational leadership at UGA’s Terry College of Business.



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