The Boston Bombings and the debate over gun control came up during a special Law Day conference held in Atlanta today.

The young people at the conference were both passionate and inspiring, especially one particular 15 year old. As you would expect the issue of racial profiling came up because of the controversy surrounding the young men involved in the Boston bombing incident.

The panel moderator commented on the recent events in Boston in a cotext of civil rights issues. She said, “We’ve had enough terrorist issues that have happened on American soil that have happened by all different types of people, all different colors, all different races, all different religions. So we have to keep that in our mind when issues happen and not neccesarily just kind of sink in to beliefs.”

Other rights highlgihted in the panel were the right to choose whom you marry. A panelist from a neighrborhood safe haven for the LGBT community called Youth Pride attended the seminar.

Edward Davis said, “We must also go through a social change, you have to change people’s minds.”

Students from local high schools got the opportunity to interact with a panel of young adult activists concerning human and civil rights.

Jessica Colotol said, “I’m an activist for immigration reform which eventually will allow undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship.”

Jessica fouhgt the battle for her own right to be educated. After being flagged as an undocumented students at Kennesaw state univ. she sepnd 37 days in jail.

Jessica said, “Its great I felt extremely honored to have been invited by this great group of people who are always striving for justice.”

Young Mary is also involved in the Moms against guns campaign. And, as you can see, she is a very involved young lady. The moderator told the young audience that she hoped that they too would feel inspired to make a difference.

Be sure to check out for more of Jessica Colotol’s interview and interactive archive

Reporter:Liz Egan

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