Liquor Stores Preparing for Winter Weather Rush



Story Highlights

  • Liquor stores get big business during snow days
  • Perry’s Liquor store is one of the stores stocking up to prepare
  • Perry’s Liquor store is expecting many customers due to canceled classes and work

Reporter Charlette Hall went to Perry’s Liquor store off of North Avenue in Athens, where employees said they expect big crowds to come in since school is closing early. Some employees at Perry’s Liquor store say Fireball is one of the most popular items they are selling to the students.

The winter weather is keeping people off the road but some are picking up alcohol before they head home.

Perry’s is just one of the liqour stores stocking up. Canceled classes and work means more business for liqours stores and longer store hours.

The most popular drink of choice is one that gives the body a warm feeling.


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