
ATHENS, GA- Today protestors were on UGA’s campus protesting the Ferguson decision that was released last Tuesday night. This protest was the first of several events happening at UGA this week.

External Affairs Chairman of the National Association of Black Journalists, Ryan Kelly  says “We want to see tangible change, we want to see fundamental change, we want to see change of the people.”

While Ferguson experienced protests turned violent, organizations here at UGA have a different approach to getting their message across.

Treasurer of the UGA Chapter of the NAACP, Darrell Ballard says “We say how violent everything was getting, so we want to be activists but we want to do it in a peaceful way because you know you can’t fight violence with violence.”

Today, members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated wore handcuffs on campus to show support.

On Tuesday, the NAACP will hold a vigil and peaceful protest. And on Wednesday, the National Association of Black Journalists will have an open discussion. Alpha Phi Alpha will also host a program to write letters to congressman addressing their issues.

Darrell Ballard said of the protests and programs that they are trying to make a movement, something that transcends, something that is continuous.


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