Local School Raises Money to Buy Book for Each Student

Malcolm Mitchell accepting an award for his activism for literature.

By: Anna Clark

One local elementary school wants each of its students to own a copy of “The Magician’s Hat.”

Sally Stewart, a speech therapist at Holsenbeck Elementary School in Winder, Ga., created a GoFundMe page to raise money to purchase a copy of the children’s book for each student as part of the school’s READ Campaign. Stewart says the author of the book, University of Georgia wide receiver Malcolm Mitchell, is a role model to many of the students at the elementary school.

Mitchell agreed to visit Holsenbeck to read with the students and the school wants every student to be able to read along with their own copy. The goal on the GoFundMe page is $14,000. On Oct. 29, Holsenbeck Elementary School posted on its Facebook page that Mitchell will visit the school “within the next couple of weeks.”  

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