Medical Marijuana and House Bill 1

ATHENS, Ga- The Hopkins Family is also supporting the legalization of marijuana. At least, medical marijuana for their daughter, Michala. And that’s the problem that they are dealing with now,  not being able to get the cannabis oil for her in Athens. Ryan Garrahan, a family friend, knows how much of a strain it has been on the family.  And Colorado is where they will have to stay for now, but their hope is that House Bill 1 will change that.

It is a bill that allows the use of marijuana for treatment, and Garrahan says that it is “making a difference for Michala.”  But not everyone is sure that House Bill 1 is a good thing. At least that’s how the local Sheriff’s Association feels.  But in the case of the Hopkins, if the bill only covers children, it will not be enough.

There is bipartisan support for the bill, despite some people’s concerns. It passed the Georgia House of Representatives and is now in the Senate Health and Human Service Committee…There is currently a petition on to pass House Bill 1 in the Senate. But the bill still has a long way to go.

Marijuana is continuing to get a lot of attention not only in the Gerogia Assembly this year, but right here in Athens. That includes the march tonight led by Athens CARE. It is open to Athens CARE members and non-members.


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